Im Netz bin ich ein alter Hase. Trau’ ich mir ohne viel Federlesens zu sagen. Alter Hase. Naja, so alt auch wieder nicht. 1996. Aktuell war da Netscape Navigator 2.0.2. Internet Explorer 3 war gerade erst mit Windows 95 unter die Bettdecke geschlüpft. Der (erste) Browser-Krieg ging erst ein Jahr später los. Das Netz alias ARPANET gibt es seit 1969. Ich war da nur in Form meiner Eizelle präsent: ich hab’ noch eine Zahlendrehung abgewartet. 1996. Das Netz war der wahrgewordene Traum der großen Freiheit. Die Nutzerzahlen waren gerade noch zu klein, um wirtschaftlich relevant zu sein. In Österreich war BTX zwar noch am Laufen – aber viel gab es da nie zu sehen. Ich träumte von einem magnet-Zugang, dann bin ich an die WU gegangen; nur wegen des Internet Zugangs, den hat die WU als erste Universität in Wien allen Neuinskripenten sofort zur Verfügung gestellt. Studiert habe ich was anderes, Publizistik und Philosophie. IRC war neu, also in, und wir saßen in den Computersälen verstreut und haben nicht geredet, sondern endlich ordentlich tippen gelernt. #Austria. Ich hatte das Gefühl, das war unser Ding, das Netz; Keiner kann uns das wegnehmen. Das Urheberrecht haben wir in Vorlesungen gelernt und uns manchmal daran gehalten: man kannte sich ja; oder auch nicht: man konnte ja nicht alle kennen. Konsequenzen hat es nicht wirklich gegeben; es war nicht gerade leicht, irgendetwas zu finden. In den letzten 15 Jahren hat sich das Netz grundlegend gewandelt: Vom Avant Garde-Medium zum gesellschaftlich mehrheitsfähigen (drei Viertel der Bevölkerung) Informations-, …
Musings on the Future of Digital Media – Software or Being connected
This is the third and last part of my series concerning my ideas on the future of digital media. After discussing the ’net in the first and the hardware to get access to it in the second installment, i will now try to cover the software part of connectedness. I have disabled comments for this post. For discussion of this and the other two related articles, please head over to Reopened comments. Software After having successfully established the possibility of getting connected with everybody at all times, software defines all functionality building upon this universal connectedness. Software tries to inscribe specific usage scenarios into itself, but it has to be continuously adapted because of users utilizing the software in ways not intended by it’s programmers in the first place. The way of the connected masses will always stretch the limits of published software, just as the connected few are the most powerful group structure for the basic innovation of functionality in the first place. Since all software is written in structured programming languages, written pieces of software should be treated like every other wirtten piece in every other language, especially when it comes to patenting. Therefore, software should be treated only by copyright laws and not by patenting laws. Social Media Social Communications and Collaboration is considered one of the top 10 strategic technologies for 2011 by Gartner. As such, it was not the hardest prediction to make, since Facebook now captured half a billion people, of which 50% log …
Musings on the Future of Digital Media – Hardware or Getting connected
Within the second part of my series on ideas regarding the future of digital media, i will try to take a deeper look on the hardware side of all things connected. In the first part, i have defined the internet as a digital universal transmission platform, which Kevin Kelly views as the ultimate machine mankind has ever built. Being connected to the ’net is imperative already and the pressure to be always on will become even stronger. But with what kind of device and for what purpose are we gonna be connected? Classifying Devices For the moment, four specific always connected device classes are to be defined: Phones Tablets Laptops Desktops These four classes can be parallelized in parts by a categorization provided in this article by Mark Segal on O’Reilly Radar. He defines devices by their portability as Wearables Pocketables Bagables Portables Wearables are smaller than phones – at least for the moment – and desktops no longer portable. Desktops could be considered as moveable. The less portable a device gets, less people will own one of these devices, as usage scenarios of Portables or Non-Portables will become more and more specialized. According to Gartner, 1.2 billion mobile phones were sold in 2009. Compared to the 306 million computers (laptops and desktops combined), portability has already won by far over functionality, but the latter is moving fast into the former. Individualization Additional individualization of entertainment will be driven by devices like tablets. Everyone can view the content she or he …
Musings on the Future of Digital Media – Internet or Establishing connections
It’s been quite a while now since Richie Pettauer announced the World Blogging Forum 2010 in Vienna, Austria and provided the conference topic: “The Future of Digital Media”. Since this topic gives a multitude of opportunities to express my own thoughts on how digital media will develop or evolve in the near future, i want to do just that within this three part series of posts. The second part will cover my thoughts on the development of hardware to access the net, the third part will discuss the topics of social media and blogging. As this article is to be seen in conjunction with the World Blogging Forum, i’ll use English as the lingua franca for this post, as English will be the main communication language for all participants at the WBF or in the adjacent online discussions. And since this is the case, please accept my apologies, my English got a bit rusty lately. I have disabled comments for all three posts. For discussion of all three articles, please head over to I have reopened comments on all the articles again, since WBF2010 has come and gone and centralized discussion is no longer of utmost importance. Please always read “In my humble opinion” in front of every sentence. What is to be defined as digital media? To talk about digital media is to talk about media in general. Mass media is in the process of being broadcasted digitally only, the internet never new a state other than that …
The Social Web
Dass das Netz einen einzigartigen sozialen Hintergrund hat, der aus den Tiefen des TCP/IP an die Oberfläche des Hypertextes hervorquillt, habe ich selten so unterhaltend vorgeführt bekommen: Jonathan Zittrain erzählt über inhärenten Unklarheiten der Architektur des Netzes und ihrer Bedürfnisse der ständigen Überwachung durch den Menschen. Eine Leistung, die freiwillig zur Aufrechterhaltung des Systems geleistet werden muss. Seine Beispiele (zB. Youtube-Highjacking) sind erhellend. Das Netz in seiner heutigen Ausprägung zwingt dem Menschen laut Zittrain soziale Zusammenarbeit auf, damit es am Funktionieren gehalten wird. Die größte technische Leistung der Kommunikation kann daher nur am Funktionieren gehalten werden, wenn Menschen zusammenarbeiten. Vertrauen auf den Nächsten ist die Basis zur Aufrechterhaltung der Funktion. Wie kann es sonst kommen, dass es beim CouchSurfing noch keine nennenswerten Schwierigkeiten gegeben hat?