Musings on the Future of Digital Media – Software or Being connected

adminComputer, Gedanken, Hardware, Medien, Netz, Software Leave a Comment

This is the third and last part of my series concerning my ideas on the future of digital media. After discussing the ’net in the first and the hardware to get access to it in the second installment, i will now try to cover the software part of connectedness. I have disabled comments for this post. For discussion of this and the other two related articles, please head over to Reopened comments. Software After having successfully established the possibility of getting connected with everybody at all times, software defines all functionality building upon this universal connectedness. Software tries to inscribe specific usage scenarios into itself, but it has to be continuously adapted because of users utilizing the software in ways not intended by it’s programmers in the first place. The way of the connected masses will always stretch the limits of published software, just as the connected few are the most powerful group structure for the basic innovation of functionality in the first place. Since all software is written in structured programming languages, written pieces of software should be treated like every other wirtten piece in every other language, especially when it comes to patenting. Therefore, software should be treated only by copyright laws and not by patenting laws. Social Media Social Communications and Collaboration is considered one of the top 10 strategic technologies for 2011 by Gartner. As such, it was not the hardest prediction to make, since Facebook now captured half a billion people, of which 50% log …

Von WordPress nach Facebook

adminNetz, Software Leave a Comment

Nachdem ich seit einiger Zeit auf Facebook unterwegs bin, habe ich nach einer Möglichkeit gesucht, meine Posts hier auf auf Facebook automatisch verlinken zu lassen. Fündig bin ich bei Richie auf datenschmutz geworden, der vor etwa zwei Jahren das  WordPress Plugin Wordbook vorgestellt hat, dass genau das leistet, was ich wollte. Das kurze Tutorial, welches Richie damals geschrieben hat, ist noch immer gültig. Wordbook ist noch immer genauso einfach zu installieren. Man muss nur darauf achten, dass der eigene Webserver PHP5 unterstützt. Dann das Plugin installieren – in WordPress 2.7 muss man dafür nicht einmal mehr das Backend verlassen – zwei Links klicken und fertig. Der nächste Post wird schon auf Facebook für alle Freunde oder Freundesfreunde referenziert.